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@article{Corrêa_2021, title={Leis Estaduais: State laws: a look at the legislative production of the State of Rio de Janeiro on Covid-19 in 2020}, volume={8}, url={https://www.cajur.com.br/index.php/cajur/article/view/295}, abstractNote={<p class="p1">It analyzes the themes of the laws published between March and December 2020, in the State of Rio do Janeiro, throughout the course of the first pandemic year in Brazil. It focuses on some aspects of the legislative production, such as the creation of authorizing and “reactive” laws. Data shows that the areas that had the greatest quantity of laws published were Health, Public Administration, Industry/Commerce and Services, Social Assistance, Economy and Transport.</p>}, number={1/2}, journal={Cadernos de Informação Jurídica}, author={Corrêa, José Gustavo Moura}, year={2021}, month={Dec.}, pages={p.90–102} }