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@article{SOW_2019, title={Implementation of the electronic the Diary of the Chamber of Deputies (iDCD): a process remodeling experience}, volume={6}, url={https://www.cajur.com.br/index.php/cajur/article/view/241}, abstractNote={<p class="p1"><span class="s1">It presents the stages of modernization of the publication process of the Diary of the Chamber of Deputies, the official journal for the dissemination of legislative works, carried out by the Secretariat-General of the Board team in partnership with the Federal Senate and the results obtained at the end of the modeling in official journal of the legislative house.</span></p>}, number={2}, journal={Cadernos de Informação Jurídica}, author={SOW, MARILENE MENDES}, year={2019}, month={Dec.}, pages={p.101–107} }