Coleções especiais na Justiça do Trabalho

Desafios da conservação perante o isolamento social


  • Cristiane Ferreira de Souza Tribunal Regional do Trabalho da 1ª Região


Brief report on the Labor bibliographic heritage (Patrimônio bibliográfico trabalhista) project that aims to define minimum criteria for the selection of rare and special works for the libraries of the regional labor courts and the Brazilian Superior Labor Court, which make up the Network of Libraries of the Labor Court (REBIJUTRA),  suggests preservation actions for this type of collection. It makes a preliminary survey on the difficulties of conservation, preservation and treatment of these works during the Covid-19 pandemic, taking into account that the majority of the teams are in remote work. It specifically addresses the Minister Carvalho Junior Library of the Regional Labor Court of the 1st Region (TRT-1st Region) collection of rare and special works. It emphasizes the importance of safeguarding the bibliographic collection, without disregarding the safety of the library staff. It concludes that the true dimension of possible damage to the rare and special collection can only be measured after returning to face-to-face work.



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Como Citar

Souza, C. F. de. (2021). Coleções especiais na Justiça do Trabalho : Desafios da conservação perante o isolamento social. Cadernos De Informação Jurídica (Cajur), 7(2), p.71–77. Recuperado de



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